Complete this form to register for the KQES Tutors Network
Tutor Information.
Please answer these questions as fully as possible. This information will be used to match you with a student.
Why are you interested in being a tutor?
Have you tutored before? If so, who did you tutor? For how long?
Have you tutored before? If so, who did you tutor? For how long?
Is there anything else we should know about you?
Why do you want to be a tutor with our program?
What work, volunteer or personal experiences have you had that would enable you to be an effective tutor?
If we were to call one of your friends and ask them what kind of a person you are, what would they say?
What challenges do you think you might encounter as a tutor?
How would you make sure that you always take into account the needs of your student?
I will:
Complete relevant DBS background checks and reference requests
Agree to keep in touch regularly with KQES Supervisors and Management