15-Year-Old Black Girl, High School Senior Wins Global Math Competition

  • Published on the Black News on 23rd March 2021
Photo Credit: Twitter / @IykOnumah
  • The winner of the 2021 Global Open Mathematics competition was Faith Odunsi, a 15-year-old Nigerian high school student at the Ambassadors School in Ota Ogun State. She competed against participants from countries from China, America, Australia and many more. Odunsi excelled in every round of the competition. Although she answered more questions in the final round than any other competitor, she states that she was not certain that she would win the competition. She has set a new record by winning by a 30-point margin and has received $1000 prize money. Her future goal is to study computer engineering at university.
  • Read the Full Story at https://www.blacknews.com/news/faith-odunsi-15-year-old-black-girl-high-school-senior-wins-global-math-competition/


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