Study Finds Air Pollution Disproportionately Affects the Health of Black People in California’s Bay Area

  • Written by Joe Jurado
  • Published on 5th April 2021
Photo: Aaron Kohr (Shutterstock)
  • A study by the Environmental Health Fund (EDF) and George Washington University revealed that black communities are disproportionately negatively affected by the air pollution in Oakland, California. This study utilised sensors and satellites to investigate the levels of air pollution in different regions of Oakland.
  • The study revealed that black communities, where a majority reside in West Oakland and downtown Oakland, are more likely to suffer poor health conditions due to higher levels of air pollution. Sarah Vogel, the Vice President of the EDF, has shared that there are 5200 new cases of asthma in children and 2500 deaths are caused by traffic-related air pollution in these areas. In Oakland Hills, which has a predominantly white population, there were significantly lower numbers of new cases of asthma in children.
  • The EDF has stated that one of the contributing factors to increased levels of air pollution in these areas may be diesel emissions from heavy container trucks. The organization is hopeful that this research will compel the state officials of California to make it a priority to reduce air pollution in California.


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